I have a sql query like below and I want to replace the question mark with respective binded parameters passed. How will I construct this String
select this_.id, this_.name from table this_ where this_.depId = ? and this_.perStatus = ?
I want to replace the question mark like below
select this_.id, this_.name from table this_ where this_.depId = 10 and this_.perStatus = 'Active'
How do I replace all the question marks with respective parameters. Any help appreciated.
If we agree that this should never be used to construct a Statement
but only for debugging messages, you can do it like
static final Pattern COMPARISON = Pattern.compile("((\\w+)\\s*[<>=]+\\s*)\\?");
static String debugExpression(String actualQuery, Map<String,Object> values) {
return COMPARISON.matcher(actualQuery)
.replaceAll(mr -> mr.group(1) + forValue(values.get(mr.group(2))));
private static String forValue(Object o) {
return o instanceof Number || o instanceof Boolean? o.toString():
o == null? " *** key not in map ***":
"'" + Matcher.quoteReplacement(o.toString()) + "'";
This searches for occurrences of “name comparison operator question mark” and replaces the question mark with a representation of the value found in the map for “name”.
If you prefer to enforce the “name” to be prepended by this_.
you can use the following pattern instead:
static final Pattern COMPARISON
= Pattern.compile("(?<=this_\\.)((\\w+)\\s*[<>=]+\\s*)\\?");
If we test it with
String query = "select this_.id, this_.name from table this_ where this_.depId = ? and this_.perStatus = ?";
System.out.println(debugExpression(query, Map.of("depId", 10, "perStatus", "Active")));
It will print
select this_.id, this_.name from table this_ where this_.depId = 10 and this_.perStatus = 'Active'
This will not replace other question marks, like the (?, ? …)
of an update or insert statement, as there’s no context to derive the right key from.
The code above uses Java 9 features. If you need Java 8 compatibility, the replacement logic needs to be implemented manually:
static String debugExpression(String actualQuery, Map<String,Object> values) {
Matcher m = COMPARISON.matcher(actualQuery);
if(!m.find()) return actualQuery;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(actualQuery.length() + 100);
int start = 0;
do {
sb.append(actualQuery, start, m.end(1));
start = m.end();
Object o = values.get(m.group(2));
if(o == null) sb.append(" *** key not in map ***");
else if(o instanceof Number || o instanceof Boolean) sb.append(o);
else sb.append("'").append(o).append("'");
} while(m.find());
return sb.append(actualQuery, start, actualQuery.length()).toString();