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Replace substring in string using list or dict in polars python

I'm working on a NLP model at the moment and are currently optimizing the pre-processing steps. Since I'm using a custom function polars cannot parallelize the operation.

I've tried few things with polars "replace_all" and some ".when.then.otherwise" but have not found a solution yet.

In this case am I doing "expand contractions" (e.g. I'm -> I am).

I currently use this:

# This is only a few example contractions that I use.
cList = {
    "i'm": "i am",
    "i've": "i have",
    "isn't": "is not"

c_re = re.compile("(%s)" % "|".join(cList.keys()))

def expandContractions(text, c_re=c_re):
    def replace(match):
        return cList[]

    return c_re.sub(replace, text)

df = pl.DataFrame({"Text": ["i'm i've, isn't"]})


shape: (1, 1)
│ Text                │
│ ---                 │
│ str                 │
│ i am i have, is not │

But would like to use the full performance benfits of polars because the datasets I process are quite large.

Performance test:

#This dict have 100+ key/value pairs in my test case
cList = {
    "i'm": "i am",
    "i've": "i have",
    "isn't": "is not"

def base_case(sr: pl.Series) -> pl.Series:
    c_re = re.compile("(%s)" % "|".join(cList.keys()))
    def expandContractions(text, c_re=c_re):
        def replace(match):
            return cList[]

        return c_re.sub(replace, text)

    sr = sr.map_elements(expandContractions)
    return sr

def loop_case(sr: pl.Series) -> pl.Series:

    for old, new in cList.items():
        sr = sr.str.replace_all(old, new, literal=True)

    return sr

def iter_case(sr: pl.Series) -> pl.Series:
    sr = functools.reduce(
        lambda res, x: getattr(getattr(res, "str"), "replace_all")(
            x[0], x[1], literal=True
    return sr

They all return equal results and here are the average times for 15 loops of ~10,000 samples with a sample length of ~500 characters.

Base case: 16.112362766265868
Loop case: 7.028670716285705
Iter case: 7.112465214729309

So it is more than double the speed using either of these methods and that's mostly thanks to polars API-call "replace_all". I ended up using the loop case since then I've one less module to import. See this question answered by jqurious


  • .str.replace_many() has since been added to Polars. (for non-regex replacements)

          ["i'm", "i've", "isn't"], 
          ["i am", "i have", "is not"]
    shape: (1, 1)
    │ Text                │
    │ ---                 │
    │ str                 │
    │ i am i have, is not │

    It currently requires passing "old" and "new" separately, but will also accept a dictionary in the future.