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ASP.NET Web API on IIS 6: HTTP Status Code 500 Internal Server Error

Since i don't have any more details despite custom errors off and debug on, i don't have much more to say. Here are some points of interest:

  • Regular ASP.NET MVC /controller/action URLs work on iis 6
  • I've added wildcard isapi filter to iis 6 although i think it is not needed in .net 4
  • WebAPIs work on local IISExpress server so it shouldn't be a serialization error

Does anyone have any idea what could be the problem? If not, at least it would be nice to find a way to have more detailed error messages.


  • I never found how to fix my problem but I ended up working around the problem by running a WebAPI self host service in the same server, and it works perfectly. All the documentation you need to make it happen is here: