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I can not run sahi

Possible Duplicate:
sahi and symfony2

I would like to test behat, mink and sahi with symfony2.

In my file config_test.yml I have

    base_url:  http://localhost/Symfony_Standard_2.0.15_2/symfony/web/app_test.php    
    default_session: symfony
    sahi: ~

in my test.feature when I use

Scenario: Open page with products list and check it
Given I am on "/hello"
Then the response should contain "hello"

the result is well:

1 scenario (1 passed)
2 steps (2 passed)

But when i add @mink:sahi I get

Scenario: Open page with products list and check it #             
Given I am on "/hello" # Acme\DemoBundle\Features\Context\FeatureContext::visit()
Operation timed out after 5000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
Then the response should contain "hello" # 

1 scenario (1 failed)
2 steps (1 skipped, 1 failed)

Do you have any idea?


  • i have solved the problem, in fact, we must run the driver sahi, before starting the test,