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How can i compare two rows of datatable in QTP

How can i compare two rows of datatable in QTP


  • 1) Do you want to compare data rows in QTP's native DataTable object?

    • Use SetCurrentRow method Example: objDataSheet.SetCurrentRow(intRow)

    • Use GetParameter to access column name and cell value sColName = objDataSheet.GetParameter(j).Name Value by index: sCellValue = objDataSheet.GetParameter(j).Name Value by col name: sCellValue = objDataSheet.GetParameter(sColName).Name

    2) Do you want to compare 2 rows in 2 distinct Excel worksheets? You can use the following code (taken from my blog , see other examples too)

    Excel application must be installed on the PC. Comparison goes cell by cell within the occupied range. Mismatching cells are marked red.

    Both workbooks must exist and be defined as the full path with file. Both worksheets must exist and may be defined as a numeric index or string name.

    objParameter is a reserved parameter to implement custom comparison like “ignore case”, “round up numbers”, etc.

    Public Function ExcelWorksheetCompare(ByVal sWorkbook1, ByVal sWorksheet1, ByVal sWorkbook2, ByVal sWorksheet2, ByVal objParameter)
    Dim boolRC, boolSheetExists
    Dim FSO, XLHandle
    Dim XLBook1, XLBook2, XLSheet1, XLSheet2
    Dim Iter, objCell
    ‘Verify both files exist
    Set FSO = CreateObject(”Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
    boolRC = FSO.FileExists(sWorkbook1)
    If Not boolRC Then
    ExcelWorksheetCompare = FALSE
    Exit Function
    End If
    boolRC = FSO.FileExists(sWorkbook2)
    If Not boolRC Then
    ExcelWorksheetCompare = FALSE
    Exit Function
    End If
    Set FSO = Nothing
    Set XLHandle = CreateObject(”Excel.Application”)
    XLHandle.DisplayAlerts = False
    ‘Open workbook1
    Set XLBook1 = XLHandle.WorkBooks.Open(sWorkbook1)
    ‘Verify sheet exists (1)
    If isNumeric(sWorksheet1) Then
    sWorksheet1 = CInt(sWorksheet1)
    If (sWorksheet1 >0) AND (sWorksheet1<=XLBook1.Worksheets.Count) Then
    Set XLSheet1 = XLBook1.Worksheets(sWorksheet1)
    boolSheetExists = TRUE
    boolSheetExists = FALSE
    End If
    boolSheetExists = FALSE
    For Iter = 1To XLBook1.Worksheets.Count
    If XLBook1.Worksheets(Iter).Name = sWorksheet1 Then
    Set XLSheet1 = XLBook1.Worksheets(Iter)
    boolSheetExists = TRUE
    End If
    End If
    If Not boolSheetExists Then
    Set XLBook1 = Nothing
    Set XLHandle = Nothing
    ExcelWorksheetCompare = FALSE
    Exit Function
    End If
    ‘Open workbook2
    Set XLBook2 = XLHandle.WorkBooks.Open(sWorkbook2)
    ‘Verify sheet exists (2)
    If isNumeric(sWorksheet2) Then
    sWorksheet2 = CInt(sWorksheet2)
    If (sWorksheet2 >0) AND (sWorksheet2<=XLBook2.Worksheets.Count) Then
    Set XLSheet2 = XLBook2.Worksheets(sWorksheet2)
    boolSheetExists = TRUE
    boolSheetExists = FALSE
    End If
    boolSheetExists = FALSE
    For Iter = 1To XLBook2.Worksheets.Count
    If XLBook2.Worksheets(Iter).Name = sWorksheet2 Then
    Set XLSheet2 = XLBook2.Worksheets(Iter)
    boolSheetExists = TRUE
    End If
    End If
    If Not boolSheetExists Then
    Set XLSheet1 = Nothing
    Set XLBook1 = Nothing
    Set XLBook2 = Nothing
    Set XLHandle = Nothing
    ExcelWorksheetCompare = FALSE
    Exit Function
    End If
    ‘Mark range
    ‘Compare and mark mismatches red
    For Each objCell In XLSheet2.UsedRange
    If objCell.Value <> XLSheet1.Range(objCell.Address).Value Then
    objCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
    objCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
    End If
    ‘Save and close
    Set XLSheet1 = Nothing
    Set XLSheet2 = Nothing
    Set XLBook1 = Nothing
    Set XLBook2 = Nothing
    Set XLHandle = Nothing
    ExcelWorksheetCompare = TRUE
    End Function