Search code examples

mysql display score 1 to 10

how can I display 1 to 10 score on my query.

for e.g. I get 10 records with this and I want to match highest with 10 and so on.

SELECT DISTINCT, c.title, cv.title2 , match ( c.title, c.title2, c.title3, c.title4 ) against ('Support' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score
FROM table1 AS c 
WHERE match ( c.title, c.title2, c.title3, c.title4 ) against ('Support' IN BOOLEAN MODE)

When I do a search my database returns set of results.

If keyword matches 50 keywords in c.title, c.title2, c.title3, c.title4 ( this is just an example) then I want to display 10 out of 10 as the score and say it's a perfect match.

If keyword matches 45 keywords in c.title, c.title2, c.title3, c.title4 ( this is just an example) then I want to display 9 out of 10 as the score.

If keyword matches 30 keywords in c.title, c.title2, c.title3, c.title4 ( this is just an example) then I want to display 7 out of 10 as the score, some perfect.

If keyword matches 2 keywords in c.title, c.title2, c.title3, c.title4 ( this is just an example) then I want to display 1 out of 10 as the score some keywords match.

and so on.


  • Ok I think I got it.

    SELECT DISTINCT, c.title, cv.title2 , (match ( c.title, c.title2, c.title3, c.title4 ) AGAINST('desktop') * 4.5 )  AS score
    FROM job
    match ( c.title, c.title2, c.title3, c.title4 ) AGAINST('desktop')
    ORDER BY score DESC

    Please let me know if I can write it better.