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Incompatible modes for port vhdl

I am getting the following error with my code: ** Failure: (vsim-3808) Incompatible modes for port "d_out".

I specified a new component, defined its entity, connected its ports, everything seemd ok and even compiled but when I ran a tb it wrote an error that appears in the headline

this is part of the code:

signal jal_nor_out: std_logic;
 jal_unit: jal_nor
port map(
data_in(5 downto 0) => instruction(31 downto 26),
d_out => jal_nor_out
jal_writedata_mux : Mux_2to1_xN
port map(
    sel => jal_nor_out,
    d_in1 => WriteData,
    d_in2 => pc_inc,
    d_out => data_mux_out

and on another file I have:

    entity jal_nor is
    data_in : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
    d_out : out std_logic
end jal_nor;
architecture bhv of jal_nor is
        process (data_in) 
            if data_in="000011" then
                d_out <= '1';
                d_out <= '0';
            end if;
        end process;
    end bhv;

this is the Mux code

    entity Mux_2to1_xN is
           WIDTH :     integer := 32);
        sel   : in  std_logic;
        d_in1 : in  std_logic_vector((WIDTH - 1) downto 0);
        d_in2 : in  std_logic_vector((WIDTH - 1) downto 0);
        d_out : out std_logic_vector((WIDTH - 1) downto 0));
end Mux_2to1_xN;

any help?


  • Sounds like the compiler thinks you have told it two different things about the ports. Have you used any component declarations?

    debugging advice:

    Make a smaller testcase - keep chopping code out until you have the tiniest subset of the code which causes the error. Take out ports which don't matter, signals that are unused, everything else. In the process of doing this you'll find a very small code subset is causing the problem, and probably be able to fix it yourself. If not, you have a small self-contained piece of code you can post here for us to look at. Just the tiniest code, not with lots of lines commented out. And make sure what you post compiles to the same error...