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Adding results to a new Excel sheet using powershell 1.0

I have two powershell cmdlets to generate process report and services report.

eg: Get-process and Get-services

I know export-csv c:\test.csv will export the result to excel sheets.

But I need the result of the first cmdlet to export to the first sheet and the second cmdlet to second sheet of the same csv file.

How do I do this?


  • IMO the best option here is just to use excel automation. E.g. ConvertTo-Excel.ps1:

    param (
            Test-Path $_
    $FullPath = $Path | ForEach-Object {
        (Resolve-Path $_).ProviderPath
    $First, $Rest = $FullPath
    $Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
    $Book = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($First)
    foreach ($Item in $Rest) {
        $Next = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($Item)
    $Excel.Visible = $true

    You can run above script with .\ConvertTo-Excel.ps1 -Path .\services.csv, .\process.csv, ....csv And have all csv combined, in reversed order.

    HTH Bartek