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Stateful code under another monad

I have a hobby web project. Very simple, just to learn Haskell and web programming. For clarity, I use Snap framework. And I have the following code ( handler):

auth :: MonadSnap m => m ByteString  
auth = withSession $ \s -> do  
    Just user <- getPostParam "user"
    Just password <- getPostParam "password"
    if user == "demi" && password == "1234"
       then redirect "/"
       else redirect "/login"

withSession reads current session and runs the function in the parameter. Here I face a problem: user gets authorized and I want to put new value to session s and run code with it. What is the best way to do it? How will you do it? Assume that code below also uses s.

Another question: can I somehow make context available transparently in the handler (like auth) and other functions? I don't want to pull all the context (like DB connection, session and probably other) in all functions with parameter like ctx:

findGoodies :: MonadSnap m => MyContext -> String -> m String
checkCaptcha :: MonadSnap m => MyContext -> m Bool
breakingNews :: MonadSnap m => MyContext -> m ByteString

Ideally, I want to have a function withContext but context may be changed during handling a request. I think I may solve it defining my monad (right?), but I already have to use Snap monad and I can't extend it (this is a question too)?

Hope I tell it pretty clear to help me.


  • You can wrap your MonadSnap monad in a StateT that has your context as its state. Once the appropriate instances have been defined, you can write functions in your new monad that have access to the session state but can still invoke MonadSnap functions without lift.

    {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
    import Control.Monad.State
    -- StateT wrapper
    newtype MySnapT m a = MySnapT { unMySnapT :: StateT MyContext m a }
        deriving ( Monad )
    instance MonadTrans MySnapT where
        lift = MySnapT . lift
    instance MonadSnap m => MonadSnap (MySnapT m) where
        liftSnap = lift . liftSnap
    instance MonadSnap m => MonadState MyContext (MySnapT m) where
        get = MySnapT get
        put = MySnapT . put
    runMySnapT :: MonadSnap m => MySnapT m a -> MyContext -> m (a, MyContext)
    runMySnapT m = runStateT . unMySnapT $ m
    -- wrapper for withSession that runs a MySnapT action with
    -- the current session as the StateT state, and sets the
    -- resulting state back when it is done
    withMySession :: MonadSnap m => MySnapT m a -> m a
    withMySession m = do
        (a, s') <- withSession $ runMySnapT m -- read the session and run the action
        setSession s' -- write the session back to disk
        return a        
    -- functions that run in the MySnapT monad have access to context as
    -- state, but can still call MonadSnap functions
    findGoodies :: MonadSnap m => String -> MySnapT m String
    findGoodies s = do
        s <- get -- get the session
        put $ modifySession s -- modify and set the session back into the State
        liftSnap undefined -- I can still call Snap functions
        return "Hello"
    auth :: MonadSnap m => m String  
    auth = withMySession $ do -- use withMySession to run MySnapT actions
        findGoodies "foo"
    -- dummy definitions for stuff I don't have
    data Snap a = Snap a
    class Monad m => MonadSnap m where
      liftSnap :: Snap a -> m a
    data MyContext = MyContext
    withSession :: MonadSnap m => (MyContext -> m a) -> m a
    withSession = undefined
    setSession :: MonadSnap m => MyContext -> m ()
    setSession = undefined
    modifySession :: MyContext -> MyContext
    modifySession = undefined