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Opa: Iterating through stringmap and forming a new string based on it

I'm editing the Hello-wiki code from Opa Documentation. I want a wiki-topic to have a list of the existing topics in the database. I have a function which is called on the default topic:

  * Collect all created topics from /wiki 
  * and present them in Markdown format
function collect_topics(page) {
    string collection = "#Available topics\n"

    // Format as a list
    Set.iter(function( topic ) {
        collection = "{collection} *[{topic}](./{topic})\n"
    }, [/wiki])

    save_source(page, collection)


function start(url) {

    match (url) {

        case {path: [] ... } :
            { collect_topics("Topics") };

        case {~path ... } :
            { display(String.capitalize(String.to_lower(String.concat("::", path)))) };

This raises a syntax error: "found a binding as condition", to my understanding because strings are immutable. Is there a way to change a created string? For example:

string x = "foo"
x = x ^ x

In case this is impossible, what would be a better approach?


  • Indeed Opa is a functional programming language, values are not mutable. If you really want a mutable value, use or Cells to handle states (with safe updates) on your app

    Here is how you should write your code:

    function collect_topics(page) {
        collection =
            Map.fold(function( key, value, acc ) {
                "{acc}\n *[{key}](./{value})"
            }, /wiki, "#Available topics\n")

    Here I use Set.fold instead of Set.iter. The List.fold documentation should help your to understand how "fold" functions works:

    Set.iter doesn't return anything (void), it's only used to iterate through the collection and do some side-effects, like printing log in the console, modifying the Dom, etc