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Foreach loop to check a list for dupes

Literally looking to do the below pseudocode in Rego:

listA = {itemA, itemB, itemC}

listB = "items": 
            "item1": "value1",
            "item2": "value2"

foreach item in listB 
If it is already in listA -> Do Nothing  
else Invoke a method 

I am going thru the official docs and playing around in the Rego playground but wanted to ask the community if there is a fast and efficient way to do this.


  • You can do it like this:

    package rego
    listA = {"item1", "item2"}
    listB = {
        "item1": "item1_value",
        "item2": "item2_value",
        "item3": "item3_value",
    ok := [res | val := listB[key]; res := foo(key, val)]
    foo(key, val) = res {
        not (key in listA)
        res := sprintf("printed %v", [key])

    Output: "ok": ["printed item3"]