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Rego - Combine Values of Case Sensitive Keys from json like abc, ABc to single lowercase key abc

I've below json as an input:

    "data": {
        "abc": 123,
        "Abc": 345,
        "bcd": 789

I want the result like:

    "data": {
        "abc": "123,345",
        "bcd": "789"

i.e. case insensitive key and the values as list or comma-separated String.

For below code block, it's giving error like

policy.rego:3: eval_conflict_error: object keys must be unique

result := {lower(key):[key] | count(key)>0}

Here's a rego playground link.

I'm really newbie to rego and not able to understand if this can be done. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!


  • This is definitely doable in Rego, but it does require getting comfortable with array comprehensions first!

    package stackoverflow.example
    result[k] := v {
        # Find a value `i`, and assign `k` to be that value lowercased.
        some i[i]
        k := lower(i)
        # We use an array comprehension to generate a list.
        # A separate "some" variable is needed here for the comprehension,
        # because `i` has already been assigned a fixed value.
        some j
        values := [format_int(x, 10) | x :=[j]; lower(j) == k]
        v := concat(",", values)

    Interactive Rego Playground link

    You can code-golf this down a bit as well, although it's a bit more cluttered:

    golfed_version[k] := v {
        some i, j[i]
        k := lower(i)
        v := concat(",", [format_int(x, 10) | x :=[j]; lower(j) == k])