I have an xml file that looks like this :
<book category="COOKING">
<title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title>
<author>Giada De Laurentiis</author>
<![CDATA[<<port>url= https://localhost:8080<port>]]>
I see that when this is processed, the entire tag is considered as CDATA. Can you use other tags inside a tag having CDATA? I did not find any online samples that did this.
First, you seem to be unclear what a "tag" is. Given this:
there are two tags: a start tag <a>
and an end tag </a>
. The CDATA section is not "in" a tag, it is between two tags.
So when you say 'the entire tag is considered as CDATA' I think you mean 'the entire content between the tags is considered as CDATA'; and yes, that is correct. And when you say 'Can you use other tags inside a tag having CDATA?' I think you mean 'can you have tags inside a CDATA section?', and the answer is no: the only point of using a CDATA section is to prevent any angle brackets inside the section being recognized as markup.