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trouble with boost error lock

I can't figure out where is the problem with this simple code, I think that here is the trouble with output to Console maybe deadlock or something, can somebody, please help.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>

using namespace std;
struct IntegrateTask
   int id;
   double from, to, step, result;

   IntegrateTask(int id, double from, double to, double step)
       this -> id;
       this -> from = from;
       this -> to = to;
       this -> step = step;


vector<IntegrateTask> * tasks = new vector<IntegrateTask>();
boost::mutex mutlist;
boost::mutex iomutex;
boost::condition_variable condtask;

bool isInterrupted = false;

double foo(double x)
    return x * x;

void integrate(IntegrateTask * task)
   double result = 0;
   double step = task -> step;
   for(double i = task -> from ; i != task -> to; i =+ step)
       result += foo(i) * step;
   task -> result = result;

void integrateThread()

   boost::thread::id id = boost::this_thread::get_id();

           boost::mutex::scoped_lock iolock(iomutex);
           cout << "Thread #" << id << " is working!" << endl;
           IntegrateTask * currtask = NULL;

               boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutlist);                  
               while(!isInterrupted && tasks -> empty())
               if (!tasks -> empty())
                   currtask = &tasks->back();
           if (currtask != NULL)
               boost::mutex::scoped_lock iolock(iomutex);    
               cout << "Task #" << (currtask->id) << "; result = " << (currtask->result) << endl;     
       boost::mutex::scoped_lock iolock(iomutex);
       cout << "Thread # " << id << " stoped working normal!" << endl;    
       boost::mutex::scoped_lock ioLock(iomutex);
       cout << "Thread # " << id << " stoped working by interruption!" << endl;
   catch(exception & e)
       boost::mutex::scoped_lock iolock(iomutex);
       cout << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;        

int main()

   cout << "Function for integration: f(x)=x*x" << endl;
   cout << "For stopping program press EXIT" << endl;

   int thcount = 6;// or boost::thread::hardware_concurrency()
   boost::thread_group thgroup;
   for (int i = 1; i <= thcount; i++){

   int id = 0;

   while (true)
       string line;
           boost::mutex::scoped_lock iolock(iomutex);
           cout << "Task #" << ++id << "; left bound, right bound and step: ";
           getline(cin, line);

       if (line.find("e") != string::npos)
           isInterrupted = true;
           return 0;

       double from, to, step;
       istringstream input(line);
       input >> from >> to >> step;    

       IntegrateTask * task = new IntegrateTask(id, from, to, step);        
           boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutlist);



  • I haven't tried to follow the logic of what you're aiming to achieve here, but there are 2 issues (at least):

    1. You're not using id in IntegrateTask's constructor. You should generally favour initialisation lists over assignments in constructor bodies, and using class member variable names in function signatures is a recipe for disaster too, so I'd change your constructor to:

      IntegrateTask(int id_init, double from_init, double to_init, double step_init)
          : from(from_init), to(to_init), step(step_init), id(id_init) {}
    2. The probable cause of the hanging is your use of != in the for loop in integrate. If you change that to < your program shouldn't hang, but I'm not sure if this breaks your program's logic.