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How can StringTemplate import directory be used?

I wrote a sample java file that is located in /src folder.

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args){
    STGroupFile StgFile=new STGroupFile("template.stg");
    StgFile.delimiterStartChar = '$';
    StgFile.delimiterStopChar = '$';
    ST webtemp=StgFile.getInstanceOf("test");

Also I have the file template.stg that is located in /src folder also

import "headers/header.stg" 
test(x) ::= << $included(x)$ >>

and the file header.stg that is located in /src/headers folder.

included(x) ::= << headers[$x$] >>

The result obviously is


but if I try to import whole headers directory making the template.stg like that:

  import "headers" 
  test(x) ::= << $included(x)$ >>
  • the included subtemplate can't be used...

The version of StringTemplate I use is the latest 4.0.5 and according to the link importing a directory is allowed.. I have even used / before and/or after / - relative/absolute paths and it doesn't work :( Any Help please? Thanks :)


  • Have you tried $header/included(x)$?