I would like to set up a simple batch file that would loop through all the .txt files in a folder (the folder where the batch file is placed), and add the same heading line to each of those files. The heading line is defined in a separate text file.
So for example, let's say I have:
--> I want to add this to the top of each of the text files in:
--> ...by running the batch file:
Extra notes:
- No need to loop through subfolders
Windows batch does not have a native command to edit a file in place (other than to append data to it). So for each file, you need to create a temporary file with the desired content and then delete the original and rename the temp to the original. The delete and rename can be accomplished with a single MOVE command.
@echo off
set "header=c:\SomeFolder\Headings.txt"
set "folder=c:\SomeFolder\FolderWithTextFiles"
set "tempFile=%folder%\temp.txt"
for %%F in ("%folder%\*.txt") do (
type "%header%" >"%tempFile%"
type "%%F" >>"%tempFile%"
move /y "%tempFile%" "%%F" >nul