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In TinyXPath how to query data by indexed by element content

I am using TinyXPath to enhance an existing test tool so data from a customer XML structure can be fetched and used.

The XML looks like this


Given the above structure, which I have no control of, I need to be able to construct XPath expressions for TinyXPath. Put simply TinyXPath needs to return the values in the SomeSetting1/2 fields given when the correct child Label values match (resolve to true), so the test app can use them.

I have tried the following but an struggling with the way is indexed using a child element (normally I would expect use of an attribute. Here is my attempt which does not return a result (e.g. ENABLED/DISABLED) :-


Any further help from TinyXPath gurus would be much appreciated - thanks!


  • This xpath will return what you're looking for with the given XML:


    This xpath will also add a check for Labels and group by concat |:

    //LinkData/Plan[Label/text()='A']/Settings/child::node()/text() | //LinkData/Plan[Label/text()='B']/Settings/child::node()/text()

    And this one combines them both inside the label check:

    //LinkData/Plan[Label/text()='A' or Label/text()='B']/Settings/child::node()/text()

    Hope this helps!