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Html-helper postLink in CakePHP

I am trying to create something like this as i have done it in one of my admin views:

<td class="actions">
    <form action="/users/delete/26" name="post_4f7825317b6b0" id="post_4f7825317b6b0" style="display:none;" method="post">
        <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST">
    <a href="#" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete # 26?')) { document.post_4f7825317b6b0.submit(); } event.returnValue = false; return false;">

Using this:

    echo $this->Form->postLink(__('Delete'), array(
                 'action' => 'delete', 
                 __('Are you sure you want to delete # %s?', $user['User']['id'])); 

I am trying it with the same code in another view and i dont know why i only get this:

<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST">
<a href="#" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete # %s?')) { document.post_4f782a44e9784.submit(); } event.returnValue = false; return false;">

Why is this happening if i am using the exact same code to generate it? Thanks.


  • You haven't created the form itself so essentially you are using input fields without a form.

    echo $this->Form->create();