I'm following Railstutorial.org and gets MassAssignment Error when using Rspec.
10) User when email format is invalid should be invalid
Failure/Error: @user = User.new(name:"Example", email:"example@gmail.com",
Can't mass-assign protected attributes: password, password_confirmation
Probably because I try to assign before variables in RSpec:
before do
@user = User.new(name:"Example", email:"example@gmail.com",
password: "foobar", password_confirmation: "foobar" )
subject { @user }
Is it possible to disable MassAssignment protection in development or test mode? Or when RSpec is running? Any help would be great! Thanks
You could just avoid the mass assignment:
before do
@user = User.new(name:"Example", email:"example@gmail.com").tap do |u|
u.password = "foobar"
u.password_confirmation = "foobar"