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selenium accessing mouseMove js function

I am using Selenium to give rating to some video.

The page source for the rating is:

<img src="/images/largeRating0.png"
    title="Choose a rating then click to submit"
    onmousemove="rEngine.mouseMove( event, this );"
    onclick="rEngine.ratingSubmit( event, this );" />

I am giving the parameters in code for Selenium like this:;"id=ratingImage");

It's doing the process and giving the rating too, but it's only giving 1 star for every rating I do!

The rating is for 5 stars and when the mouseover is done on the image of rating, it gives the /images/largeRating1.png; /images/largeRating2.png; /images/largeRating3.png; etc..

Every image contains the number of stars.

By default as mentioned above it is <img src="/images/largeRating0.png" ...

Is there any process for accessing Javascript for getting desired results?


  • If I understand it correctly, you need to press your mouse button and move it? If that is the case, then this should be of help:


    ...or some combination of selenium.mouseOver() and selenium.mouseDownAt().

    Otherwise, you can of course invoke the javascript yourself, you just need to understand which arguments to pass to it. Use

    selenium.getEval("rEngine.mouseMove(dontknowwhat, window.document.getElementById('ratingImage'));");