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Duplicate files in Gradle-built .war file

I'm having a duplicate files issue with my Gradle build script.

My directory structure is the maven standard, plus some extra directories for various build configurations:


The files from /src/main/resources and /src/main/dev/resources are apparently handled by both the processResources and the war task, and end up in the .war file twice. How can I prevent that from happening without manually excluding each single file in the war configuration?

My entire build.gradle is included below; note buildEnvironment is set to dev by default, but could also be prod.

apply plugin: "sonar"
apply plugin: "war"
apply plugin: "eclipse-wtp"

// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************

sourceCompatibility = 1.6
group = ""
archivesBaseName = "security"
version = "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

// versions of various components where we need more than one and may want to update often
def springVersion = "3.1.1.RELEASE"
def tomcatVersion = "7.0.25"
def jasperVersion = "4.5.0"

// buildEnvironment is set in and can be overridden with -PbuildEnvironment=... on the command line
println "running in $buildEnvironment mode..."

// set classes output directory to WEB-INF/classes
eclipse.classpath.defaultOutputDir = new File(project.getWebAppDir().getAbsolutePath(), "/WEB-INF/classes")

// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************

sourceSets {
  // add the resources specific to the build environment
  main.resources.srcDirs += "src/main/$buildEnvironment/resources"
  // add source set for jasper reports
  jasperreports {
    srcDir = file(relativePath('src/main/jasperreports'))
    output.classesDir = file(relativePath('src/main/java/com/foo/bar/security/statistics'))

// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************

buildscript {
  repositories {
    add(new org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.URLResolver()) {
      name = 'GitHub'
      addArtifactPattern '[organisation]/[module]/[module]-[revision].[ext]'

  dependencies { classpath 'bmuschko:gradle-tomcat-plugin:0.9' }

apply plugin: "tomcat"

// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************

// configure eclipse .project/.classpath generator
eclipse {
  project { natures 'com.springsource.sts.gradle.core.nature' }
  wtp { component { contextPath = "/security" } }

configurations {
  // make sure we don't get dependencies we don't want
  all*.exclude group: "net.sf.ehcache", module: "ehcache-terracotta"
  all*.exclude group: "bouncycastle", module: "bcmail-jdk14"
  all*.exclude group: "bouncycastle", module: "bcprov-jdk14"
  all*.exclude group: "bouncycastle", module: "bctsp-jdk14"

  // wtp needs a special invitation for some reason
  eclipseWtpComponent {
    exclude group: "net.sf.ehcache", module: "ehcache-terracotta"

  jasperreports { transitive = true }

// maven repositories
repositories {
  maven { url "" }

// sonar configuration
sonar {
  server { url = "http://xxx" }
  database {
    url = "jdbc:mysql://xxx"
    driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    username = "xxx"
    password = "xxx"
  project { key = "" }

war {
  // set war output file name
  archiveName = "security.war"
  // make sure no duplicate processing of files takes place
  excludes += [

tomcatRun { contextPath = "/security" }

// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************

dependencies {

  // exclusions for jasperreports, which tries to load old versions of stuff
  compile("net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports:$jasperVersion") {
    exclude module: "jfreechart"
    exclude module: "jcommon"

  // exclusions for ehcache, we don't want their enterprise cache
  compile("net.sf.ehcache:ehcache:2.5.1") {
    exclude group: "net.sf.ehcache", module: "ehcache-terracotta"

  // compile and runtime dependencies
  compile   "org.springframework:spring-webmvc:$springVersion",

  runtime "javax.servlet:jstl:1.2"

  // for compiling jasper reports
  jasperreports "net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports:$jasperVersion",


// dependencies for each tomcat version, which are in different packages for 6.x and 7.x, sigh
println "adding dependencies for Tomcat $tomcatVersion"
if (tomcatVersion.startsWith("6")) {
  dependencies.add("providedCompile", "org.apache.tomcat:catalina:$tomcatVersion")
  dependencies.add("tomcat", "org.apache.tomcat:catalina:$tomcatVersion")
  dependencies.add("tomcat", "org.apache.tomcat:coyote:$tomcatVersion")
  dependencies.add("tomcat", "org.apache.tomcat:jasper:$tomcatVersion")
} else if (tomcatVersion.startsWith("7")) {
  dependencies.add("providedCompile", "org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-catalina:$tomcatVersion")
  dependencies.add("tomcat", "org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-catalina:$tomcatVersion")
  dependencies.add("tomcat", "org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-coyote:$tomcatVersion")
  dependencies.add("tomcat", "org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-jasper:$tomcatVersion")

// ************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************

task jasperReports(overwrite: true) << {
  ant {
    taskdef(name: 'jrc',
        classname: 'net.sf.jasperreports.ant.JRAntCompileTask',
        classpath: configurations.jasperreports.asPath)
    jrc(srcdir: sourceSets.jasperreports.srcDir, destdir: sourceSets.jasperreports.output.classesDir) {
      classpath {
        pathElement(path: configurations.jasperreports.asPath)

task cleanJasperReports(overwrite: true) << {
  ant.delete() {
    fileset(dir:sourceSets.jasperreports.output.classesDir, includes: "*.jasper")

compileJava.dependsOn jasperReports


  • I have not tested your configuration here, but I think it's because you are adding main.resources.srcDirs += "src/main/$buildEnvironment/resources" to sourceSets. By adding this you have now the following sourceSets if buildEnvironment = 'dev':

    • src/main/java
    • src/main/resources
    • src/main/dev/resources

    This means if you have a resource called myfile.txt in both src/main/resources and src/main/dev/resources you would get the following files:

    • WEB-INF/classes/myfile.txt
    • WEB-INF/classes/dev/myfile.txt

    To fix this you could just move your dev/prod resources outside of src/main, ex. like this:

    • src/main/java
    • src/main/resources
    • src/dev/resources
    • src/prod/resources

    And use the following sourceSet instead:

    main.resources.srcDirs += "src/$buildEnvironment/resources"

    Then all dev/prod resources will override the resources in src/main/resources.