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Checking all radio buttons selected in JQuery and JSP, Struts

I am fairly new to jquery and I am working with jsp and struts .as part of the application I have a survey form with a number of categories each with different set of questions, and each question with a number of possible answers to pick from as radio buttons. I want the user to be required to pick one answer for each question in each category before submitting the form and to give an error if they don't.

<s:iterator value="quelists">
<tr class="radioList">
<s:property  value="surveyQuestion"/><span id="msg_selectError"/> 

<td >
<s:iterator value="answerslists" status="status">
<s:radio  value="selectedAnswers[%{#count}]"  
          list="#{id:answer}"  required="true" theme="simple"/>

<s:set var="count" value="#count+1"/>    


  • I am just learning.. It work:

    function isCheck() {
        var isOk = true;
             var countChecked = $(this).find(':checked').length;
             if(countChecked!=1) {
                 $(this).css('color', 'red');
                 isOk = false;
             } else {
                 $(this).css('color', 'black');
        return isOk;