If all I wanted to do with a webserver was to request data and send commands from an iPhone app, all I'd need for that is AFJSONRequestOperation, correct? Why are some people also using JSONKit with AFNetworking? If I use JSONKit then do I still need to use AFNetworking?
You need a JSON parsing library (like JSONKit) if you are deploying to < iOS 5.
does all the networking stuff
does the parsing/encoding of JSON on < iOS 5
From AFNetworking git
AFNetworking requires either iOS 4.0 and above, or Mac OS 10.6 and above.
AFNetworking uses NSJSONSerialization if it is available. If your app targets a platform where this class is not available you can include one of the following JSON libraries to your project for AFNetworking to automatically detect and use.
- SBJson