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Ripping an audio CD in Python/Java

I have about 500 cd's that need backing up, they contain old sessions.

I need a library that can be used by either (Java / Python) to rip these cd's

It does not need to support 'nix and must support *Windows*

Bonus points given for a framework that can also handle metadata attached to tracks.

I have been looking for ages now, I cannot find anything and this question is on-topic

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Still not found freeware libraries that support audio-cd ripping


  • I can't find anything on Windows that has a direct API either, but you might get what you want by search for "command line". I found things like:

    Which you could then integrate into either a java or python process which managed the larger conversion process. You could then use a tool like Mutagen to add the appropriate audio metadata for your recordings.

    Also, keep in mind that if you can find some way to mount the audio CD as a data disc (I don't know what current Windows behavior is, but MacOS X can do this, for example), you can just copy the CDA files from the disk and use a larger variety of tools and libraries to do the file type conversion.