Is there a way of resetting QUnit tests without reloading the page ?
On the documentation it says that QUnit.init( ) reinitializes if it was already initialized, but this doesn't seem to work. I get a message "Running..." where the result should be.
Wrap all your tests inside a function.
Call the function when you're ready for the test to run.
If you want to rerun the test after QUnit has finished, then make and call a function like 'rerunQUnitTest'.
var runAllTest = function(){
test( "test 1", function(){
var a = true;
equal( a, true, "function a should return false" );
// call rerunQUnitTest to reset and run your tests again.
var rerunQUnitTest = function(){
QUnit.reset(); // should clear the DOM
QUnit.init(); // resets the qunit test environment
QUnit.start(); // allows for the new test to be captured.
runAllTest(); // runs your functions that has all the test wrapped inside.
runAllTest(); // auto runs your tests.