I currently have a text file that has the following:
1 Commercial & Enterprise 5 SLICE 59.99 IP MICRO
2 Commercial & Enterprise 5 SLICE 59.99 MULTI-USE SWITCH
18 Government & Military 6 TCP 15.00 TCP
I am trying to split the line so that I can have the following:
Product number: 18
Category: Government & Military
Product name: TCP
Units in stock: 6
Price: $15.00
Total value: $90.00
Fee: $4.50
Total value: $94.50
I currently have the following code:
while ((line = lineReader.readLine()) != null) {
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(line, "\t");
p = new ActionProduct();
String category = p.getCategory();
String name = p.getName();
category = tokens.nextToken();
int item = p.getItem();
double price = p.getPrice();
int units = p.getUnits();
while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
item = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
price = Double.parseDouble(tokens.nextToken());
units = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
System.out.println("Category: " + category);
System.out.println("Product number: " + item);
System.out.println("Product name: " + name);
System.out.println("Units in stock: "+ units);
System.out.println("Price: $" + String.format("%.2f", price));
System.out.println("Total value: $" + String.format("%.2f",p.value()));
System.out.println("Fee: $" + String.format("%.2f", p.fee()));
System.out.println("Total value: $" + String.format("%.2f", value()));
And I am getting this output instead:
Category: 1 Commercial & Enterprise 5 SLICE 59.99 IP MICRO
Product number: 0
Product name: null
Units in stock: 0
Price: $0.00
Total value: $0.00
Fee: $0.00
Total value: $0.00
Category: 2 Commercial & Enterprise 5 SLICE 59.99 MULTI-USE SWITCH
Product number: 0
Product name: null
Units in stock: 0
Price: $0.00
Total value: $0.00
Fee: $0.00
Total value: $0.00
So my questions is…what must I do to split up the line, so that I can print each value of my textile individually?? Thanks in advance guys, would really appreciate some direction!
Here is my text file:
1 Commercial & Enterprise 5 SLICE 59.99 IP MICRO
2 Commercial & Enterprise 5 SLICE 59.99 MULTI-USE SWITCH
3 Commercial & Enterprise 4 SLICE 59.99 2100
4 Commercial & Enterprise 6 SLICE 59.99 IP
5 Commercial & Enterprise 4 HDX 45.00 HYBRID CARRIER
6 Commercial & Enterprise 10 TRANSip 45.00 IP Technology Suite
7 Commercial & Enterprise 5 GUI 30.00 LINK COMMAND SYS
8 Commercial & Enterprise 5 GUI 30.00 MAUI
9 Commercial & Enterprise 6 RCP 20.00 RCP
10 Government & Military 5 SLICE 60.00 IP MICRO
11 Government & Military 5 SLICE 60.00 MULTI-USE SWITCH
12 Government & Military 4 SLICE 60.00 2100
13 Government & Military 6 SLICE 55.00 IP
14 Government & Military 4 HDX.C 35.00 HYBRID CARRIER
15 Government & Military 10 TRANSip 30.00 IP Technology Suite
16 Government & Military 5 GUI 20.00 LINK COMMAND SYS
17 Government & Military 5 GUI 20.00 MAUI
18 Government & Military 6 TCP 15.00 TCP
Take a good look at the data. Are you getting more data, or is this the only file?
If you're getting more data, you need to have some kind if spec, so you can be sure, that your parser will continue working.
If you have fixed positioning of the data, then you can use
String part = line.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)
This data file is almost with fixed positions, except when the product number increases..
Instead you can try with regex or line.split(delimitor)
Don't use regex too much before you really understand them.
If this was the only file, I think I would start with a
String[] parts = line.split(" ") //two spaces
and then parse from the string array you get.
The first part, parts[0], would contain both product number and category, but you can split that as well.