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ASP:UpdatePanel - Add JavaScript on Button Click

I have a asp:UpdatePanel with a asp:Button and a asp:TextBox:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
        <asp:Button runat="server" Text="Click" ID="button" onclick="button_Click"/>
        <asp:TextBox runat="server" Title="Text" ID="text" Style="margin-top: 50px;" />

And the button_Click method is:

protected void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    text.Attributes.Add("title", "Box");
    ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(ScriptManager), "Tooltify", "tooltipfy();", true);

tooltify() is a javascript function.

var tooltipfy = function () {
        style: {
            tip: {
                corner: true,
                width: 10,
                height: 5
            classes: 'ui-tooltip-rounded ui-tooltip-shadow ui-tooltip-tipsy'
        position: {
            my: 'bottom left',
            at: 'top right',
            adjust: {
                x: -10,
                y: 0
        events: {
            show: function (event, api) {
        show: {
            effect: function (offset) {
                $(this).show("slide", { direction: "up" }, 500);
        hide: {
            effect: function (offset) {
                $(this).hide("explode", 500);

The problem is the function is not executing.

How can I call JavaScript function while using asp:UpdatePanel?


  • You should use ScriptManger when using UpdatePanel.

    protected void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(),"Tooltify", "tooltipfy();", true);