hi forum member I am having one problem with setting the radiofield in the extjs 4
my form radiogroup xtype code is given below
xtype: 'radiogroup',
dataIndex: 'gender',
margin: 5,
fieldLabel: 'Gender',
items: [{
xtype: 'radiofield',
name: 'gender',
boxLabel: 'Male',
}, {
xtype: 'radiofield',
name: 'gender',
boxLabel: 'Female',
my json data I am receiving is
"total": 1,
"success": true,
"employeedata": [{
"username": "yaryan997",
"surname": "Singh",
"firstname": "Yogendra",
"gender": false
my employee list view has action column editEmployee which executes the below function
editEmployee:function(grid,no,rowindex,colindex,temp) {
alert('Edit EMPLOYEE button pressed');
var rec = grid.store.getAt(rowindex);
var employeeid = rec.get('id');
store = grid.getStore();
params: {'employeeid':employeeid},
scope: this,
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
//the operation object contains all of the details of the load operation
based on the id the editEmployee view is shown. My edit Employee shows all the values correctly but only the problem is with the radiofield. They didn't show the selected value.
my json data I had provide you which comes as employeedata
I am not able to set the radiogroup gender based on the data i am receiving from the json.
please suggest me some solution for it.
First you should set inputValue
to 'false' and 'true'. The second is the new design of a radiogroup. You will find the solution in my thread at the sencha forum See: http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?187185-Set-a-int-value-on-a-radiogroup-fails&goto=newpost
The problem is that setValue
is expecting a object which would only be the case if you had to datatypes for gender; one for male and one for female... And that's the point why I posted this as bug. Down the override code from my post.
setValue: function (value) {
if (!Ext.isObject(value)) {
var obj = new Object();
obj[this.name] = value;
value = obj;
Ext.form.RadioGroup.prototype.setValue.call(this, value);