In Angular application, using "leaflet": "^1.9.4" and "leaflet-contextmenu": "^1.4.0", I draw a graph where nodes are connected by sections. For nodes I create markers
const options = {
contextmenu: true,
contextmenuInheritItems: false,
contextmenuItems: this.buildMarkerContextMenu()
const marker = L.marker(coordinate, options);
(<any>marker).id =;
for sections I create lines
const options = {
contextmenu: true,
contextmenuInheritItems: false,
contextmenuItems: this.buildSectionContextMenu()
const line = L.polyline([coors1, coors2], options);
(<any>line).id =;
After adding all nodes and sections I can iterate through map's layers and see all nodes(markers) and sections(polylines) with their ids successfully.
Then in contextmenu callbacks for node
static showInformation(e: L.ContextMenuItemClickEvent) {
all works properly, I get the node I clicked on.
Whereas for section I see the contextmenu, I can click menu items and get to their handlers but the same code somehow does not work: e.relatedTarget is undefined
static showSectionInformation(e: L.ContextMenuItemClickEvent) {
console.log(e.relatedTarget); // !!! undefined
All examples of leaflet-contextmenu show how to create menu for map and markers. Maybe for polyline something should be done differently?
It is hard to say whose fault it is - leaflet or leaflet.contextmenu. When context menu clicked on polyline two events are fired: from polyline itself and from map. For marker all done great - only marker's event is fired. So the solution for polyline is to add (beside context menu) a handler of 'contextmenu' to the polyline where stop event propagation.
const options = {
contextmenu: true,
contextmenuInheritItems: false,
contextmenuItems: this.buildSectionContextMenu()
const line = L.polyline([coors1, coors2], options);
line.on('contextmenu', (e) => {
That is it.