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Extjs 3.4 Tree Grid default sort by a specified column

I'm using ExtJs 3.4 and I have a TreeGrid (Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid) with a column model.

The sorting works very well with the data brought by a TreeGridLoader when you click on every column's header, but I want to sort by a default specified column. Is there a way to achieve that? I want to specify that, like I said I don't have a store, instead I have a TreeGridLoader defined.


Thanks to wes the best(and general) solution for my problem would be:

 // simulate click on order number and order by this column
var treeGrid = Ext.getCmp('siteStructureGrid');
var index = 0;
for (var i = 0; i<treeGrid.columns.length; i++){
    if (treeGrid.columns[i].id == 'orderNumberColumn'){
        index = i;
var column = treeGrid.columns[index];
treeGrid.fireEvent('headerClick', column);


  • One method may be to call the header's click handler. Normally I'd frown on that, but it's handling a bunch of tasks rather than calling a single public sort method. IMO the TreeGrid UX isn't very well fleshed out.

    // grab the column and fire the click, since it works for you
    var column = treeGrid.columns[index];
    treeGrid.fireEvent('headerClick', column);