I am working on StringBuilder to create XML document. I want to give directly input as XML file and get the data from it, instead of building the xml file.
string namespaceUri = "NamespaceURI";
System.Text.StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
string First = "Hello World.This is Fisrt field";
content.AppendFormat("<{0} xmlns=\"{1}\">", "rootelementname", namespaceUri);
content.AppendFormat("<{0} xmlns=\"{1}\">{2}</{0}>", "first", namespaceUri, First);
content.AppendFormat("</{0}>", "rootelementname");
string data = content.ToString();
outputXML file created using this as follows
<rootelementname xmlns="namespaceUri">
<first>Hello World.This is Fisrt field</first>
if i have above xml file directly,underpath "E:\abcd\source.xml how can i load that source.xml into "data" variable directly.
Please share your thoughts on this.
Thank you
You can try the following:
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
string data = xmlDoc.OuterXml;
The above is just a sample, in your code please handle exceptions accordingly.