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Make tolower as static

I need to make the standard library function tolower static instead of "public' scope.

I am compiling with MISRA C:2004, using IAR Embedded Workbench compiler. The compiler is declaring tolower as inline:

  int tolower(int _C)
    return isupper(_C) ? (_C + ('A' - 'a')) : _C;

I am getting the following error from the compiler:

Error[Li013]: the symbol "tolower" in RS232_Server.o is public but
is only needed by code in the same module - all declarations at
file scope should be static where possible (MISRA C 2004 Rule 8.10)  

Here are my suggested solutions:

  1. Use tolower in another module, in a dummy circumstance, so that it is needed by more than one module.
  2. Implement the functionality without using tolower. This is an embedded system.
  3. Add a "STATIC" macro, defined as empty by default, but can be defined to static before the ctype.h header file is included.

I'm looking for a solution to the MISRA linker error. I would prefer to make the tolower function static only for the RS232_Server translation unit (If I make tolower static in the standard header file, it may affect other future projects.)

Edit 1:

Compiler is IAR Embedded Workbench 6.30 for ARM processor.
I'm using an ARM7TDMI processor in 32-bit mode (not Thumb mode).
The tolower function is used with a debug port.

Edit 2:

I'm also getting the error for _LocaleC_isupper and _LocaleC_tolower


  1. I notified the vendor of the issue according as recommended by Michael Burr.
  2. I decided not to rewrite the library routine because of localization issues.
  3. I implemented a function pointer in the main.c file as suggested by gbulmer; however this will be commented incredibly because it should be removed after IAR resolves their issue.


  • Who sells the MISRA linker? It seems to have an insane bug.

    Can you work around it by taking its address int (*foo)(int) = tolower;at file scope?

    Edit: My rationale is:
    a. that is the stupidest thing I've seen this decade, so it may be a bug, but
    b. pushing it towards an edge case (a symbol having its name exported via a global) might shut it up.

    For that to be correct behaviour, i.e. not a bug, it would have to be a MISRA error to include any library function once, like initialise_system_timer, initialise_watchdog_timer, ... , which just hurts my head.

    Edit: Another thought. Again based on an assumption that this is an edge-case error.

    Theory: Maybe the compiler is doing both the inline, and generating an implementation of the function. Then the function is (of course) not being called. So the linker rules are seeing that un-called function.

    GNU has options to prevent in-lining. Can you do the same for that use of tolower? Does that change the error? You could do a test by

    #define inline /* nothing */

    before including ctype.h, then undef the macro.

    The other test is to define:

    #define inline static inline

    before including ctype.h, which is the version of inline I expect.

    EDIT2: I think there is a bug which should be reported. I would imagine IAR have a workaround. I'd take their advice.

    After a nights sleep, I strongly suspect the problem is inline int tolower() rather than static inline int tolower or int tolower, because it makes most sense. Having a public function which is not called does seem to be the symptoms of a bug in a program.

    Even with documentation, all the coding approaches have downsides.

    1. I strongly support the OP, I would not change a standard header file. I think there are several reasons. For example, a future upgrade of the tool chain (which comes with a new set of headers) breaks an old app if it ever gets maintained. Or simply building the application on a different machine gives an error, merging two apparently correct applications may give an error, ... . Nothing good is likely to come of that. -100

    2. Use #define ... to make the error go away. I do not like using macros to change standard libraries. This seems like the seeds of a long-term bad idea. If in future another part of the program uses another function with a similar problem, the application of the 'fix' gets worse. Some inexperienced developer might get the job of maintaining the code, and 'learns' wrapping strange pieces of #define trickery around #include is 'normal' practice. It becomes company 'practice' to wrap #include <ctype.h> in weird macro workarounds, which remains years after it was fixed. -20

    3. Use a command line compiler option to switch off inlining. If this works, and the semantics are correct, i.e. including the header and using the function in two source files does not lead to a multiple defined function, then okay. I would expect it leads to an error, but it is worth confirming as part of the bug report. It lays a frustrating trap for someone else, who comes along in the future. If a different inline standard library function is used, and for some reason a person has to look at the generated code it won't be included either. They might go a bit crazy wondering why inline is not honoured. I conjecture the reason they are looking at generated code is because performance is critical. In my experience, people would spend a lot of time looking at code, baffled before looking at the build script for a program which works. If suppressing inline is used as a fix, I do feel it is better to do it everywhere than for one file. At least the semantics are consistent and the high-level comment or documentation might get noticed. Anyone using the build scripts as a 'quick check' will get consistent behaviour which might cause them to look at the documentation. -1 (no-inline everywhere) -3 (no-inline on one file)

    4. Use tolower in a bogus way in a second source file. This has the small benefit that the build system is not 'infected' with extra compiler options. Also it is a small file which will give the opportunity to explain the error being worked around. I do not like this much but I like it more than the fiddling with standard headers. My current concern is it might not work. It might include two copies which the linker can't resolve. I do like it is better than the weird 'take its address and see if the linker shuts up` (which I do think is an interesting way to test the edge cases). -2

    5. Code your own tolower. I don't understand the wider context of the application. My reaction is not to code replacements for library functions because I am concerned about testing (and the unit tests which introduce even more code) and long term maintenance. I am even more nervous with character I/O because the application might need to become capable of handling a wider character set, for example UTF-8 encoding, and a user-defined tolower will tend to get out of synch. It does sound like a very specific application (debugging to a port), so I could cope. I don't like writing extra code to work around things which look like bugs, especially if it is commercial software. -5

    6. Can you convert the error to a warning without losing all of the other checking? I still feel it is a bug in the toolchain, so I'd prefer it to be a warning, rather than silence so that there is a hook for the incident and some documentation, and there is less chance of another error creeping in. Otherwise go with switching off the error. +1 (Warning) 0 (Error)

    Switching the error off seems to lose the 'corporate awareness' that (IMHO) IAR owes you an explanation, and longer term fix, but it seems much better than messing with the build system, writing macro-nastiness to futz with standard libraries, or writing your own code which increases your costs.

    It may just be me, but I dislike writing code to work around a deficiency in a commercial product. It feels like this is where the vendor should be pleased to have the opportunity to justify its license cost. I remember Microsoft charged us for incidents, but if the problem was proven to be theirs, the incident and fix were free. The right thing to do seems to be give them a chance to earn the money. Products will have bugs, so silently working around it without giving them a chance to fix it seems less helpful too.