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Combining jQuery Mobile taphold and jQuery UI draggable

I'm working on a mobile application where I'm trying to combine jQuery UI's draggable functionality with jQuery Mobile's taphold event. The idea is that an element becomes draggable when a taphold is executed.

Draggable is being initialized on elements in the following code:

$('div.rect', '#outerBox').draggable({
    containment: "parent", 
    grid: [50, 50],
    disabled: true,
    stop: function(event, ui) {

As you can see the draggable functionality is disabled initially, because I want to enable it after a taphold event. To achieve this I'm currently using the following code:

// Bind long press event to rectangle elements
$('div.rect', '#outerBox').bind('taphold', function(event, ui) {
    // Enable dragging on long press

This works, but the problem is that a 'release-and-tap-again'-event is needed in order to drag the element around, instead of dragging directly after the taphold event. Could this be some kind of event-interference problem? I've tried things like event.preventDefault() but my knowledge of jQuery events isn't much so I have no idea whether or not this should make any difference.

Any idea on how to solve this one?


  • First, jquery ui draggable does not work with touch events. I'm assuming you've made the nessesary adjustments to fix this.

    I.e. see Jquery-ui sortable doesn't work on touch devices based on Android or IOS

    Next I would say the touchstart event is not flowing through because of how taphold has been implemented in jquery mobile.

    The draggable will only be initiated if it gets a touchstart/mousedown event.

    I've seen something similar before, but with a doubletap in conjunction with a draggable.

    You may need to manually trigger the touchstart event inside your taphold event handler for the draggable to kick in:

    $('div.rect', '#outerBox').bind('taphold', function(event, ui) {
        var offset = $(this).offset();
        var type   = $.mobile.touchEnabled ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown';
        var newevent = $.Event(type);
        newevent.which  = 1; = this;
        newevent.pageX  = event.pageX ? event.pageX : offset.left;
        newevent.pageY  = event.pageY ? event.pageX :;