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How a plugin AMD-application can communicate with a Host non-AMD application?

I have a Host Javascript Application, which not use AMD, BackboneJS or RequireJS but use jQuery, and i have a small application with requireJS + BackboneJS, which should be a plugin of the Host.

Now the plugin AMD-Application :

  1. should become some data from the Host application
  2. should be started from the Host application(into a jquery Dialog)

My problem is that i dont have any globals variables(functions) in the plugin AMD-application, so my big non-AMD App can't see it this way.

How can i set the communication between this both, so that the non-AMD App can see and pass data to the plugin AMD App ?

Entry point my plugin AMD App :

<script data-main="app/js/main" src="app/js/Libs/require/require.js"></script>


  paths: {
    jquery: '',
    jqueryui: '',
    underscore: 'Libs/underscore/underscore-min',
    backbone: 'Libs/backbone/backbone-min',

    //Require Plugins
    text: 'Libs/require/text',
    use: 'Libs/require/use',
    domReady: 'Libs/require/domReady'
  use: {
    backbone: {
      deps: ["use!underscore", "jquery"],
      attach: function() {
        return Backbone;
    underscore: {
      attach: "_"

    ], function(App){



 ], function($, Router){
    var initialize = function(){
     // Pass in our Router module and call it's initialize function
    return {
      initialize: initialize


  • Not sure I completely understand, but to expose a global from your requirejs code:

    ], function(App){
      window.App = App;

    Now window.App is visible to all the code.