I'm building a software using .Net 3.5 (c#, WPF), My software need to user install .Net 3.5 and Media Player 11. I want to build an installer that automatically install this two component while user install main software. How i can fix that? this components:
1- .Net 3.5
2- Media Player 11
Create a setup package using visual studios instructions (Updated Link). for vs2010:
I usually do this inside the solution i want an installer for. You will create a project like:
Note the detected dependancies folder. In here, make sure you have the relevant .net framework and media player modules. Building this wil produce a .msi and a .exe, and will also output an installer for the framework plus other compnents and assemblies. When the user runs the exe, they will be prompted to install the necessary dependencies.
Ofcousre there are other installer packages, but this one is visual studios integrated and i find it works great for many purposes.
Adding dependencies: Right click the installer project -> properties - > prerequisites, select the .net framework desired.
for all other dependencies right click the installer project -> add -> assemblies and either browse to the assembly you want or if it is .net, select it from the list