I have a 16*16 texture, and when i draw it to the screen, It seems to be zooming in (I think its called MipMapping) , but "smoothing out" the texture, whereas I just want the pixels to increase in size.
It's kind of hard to explain, so I put up a picture that you can see:
img http://photoupload.org/images/94135450192227784004.png
As you can see, its trying to smooth it out, where i just want a bigger picture, looking something like this:
img2 http://photoupload.org/images/95943288748957761603.png
How do i fix this? Does it have something to do with me using Slick Util?
The "zooming in" you are seeing is called magnification. To fix it, you need to set the MAG filter to GL_NEAREST, which does the effect you want: