So far i have this:
mov ah,02h
mov cl,11001100001111011101000b ;6,692,584 in dec
mov dl,0
int 13
I can see the following issues with your code:
should be 3 rather than 2 (2 is for reading).CL
is only eight bits so is unlikely to be holding that big honkin' value.AH
, AL
, CH
, CL
, DH
, DL
and ES:BX
as per the following table:AH 03h
AL Number of sectors to write
CH Track number
CL Sector number
DH Head number
DL Drive number
ES:BX Buffer to write
And, if you ever need information on interrupts, you should google for "Ralf Brown". This guy created and maintained the definitive interrupt list back in the days before we were insulated from such things. See, for example, the indexed HTML version.
Your specific needs can be met from the Int 13/AH=03h
A sample, though untested and written in real mode, would be something along the following lines:
mov ax, 0301h ; cmd 3 (write sector), 1 sector
mov cx, 0001h ; track 0, sector 1
mov dx, 0000h ; head 0, drive 0
mov es, segment buff ; segment and offset of buffer
mov bx, offset buff
int 13h ; make the call
jc errp ; detect error
errp: ; process error here
buff: db 0(256) ; buffer to write