I have some legacy C++ code that I am trying to understand a bit better. One issue I am getting confused with is this with a line like this:
#define LOG_TRACE_ERROR(s) LOG_traceError( _T(__FILE__), __LINE__, s )
which is in a header file. I can see the LOG_TRACE_ERROR is what the code is calling and it passes it a string, and I can see that LOG_traceError is a function that actually does the work, so I assume this line is mapping the two different names for the function together? What is confusing me is why is the parameter list different (just a string for LOG_TRACE_ERROR and (_T(FILE), LINE, s ) for LOG_traceError). Also I cant find _FILE_ or _LINE_ or s defined anywhere so how does the program know what they are?
expands to the file name.
expands to the line number.
is the parameter you pass to the macro.
When you write:
LOG_TRACE_ERROR("error here"); //line 13
the preprocessor will transform it to:
LOG_traceError( _T("file.cpp"), "13", "error here" );
is a macro related to UNICODE. If in a unicode environment, it will transform your string to a wchar_t*