A Tcl nested String can be something like this:
{abc {xyz foo {hello world}}}
The braces above are used to enclose the content of string, they are not part of the string(Similar to double quotes). And they can be escaped using "\{"
and "\}"
to change string "foo"
to "foo{}"
{abc {xyz foo\{\} {hello world}}}
I have a working lexical rule for the one without the brace escaping:
: '{' ( ~('{'|'}') | NestedBraces)* '}'
I am trying to find a way to add the escaping part while keeping the nested syntax, and haven't succeeded so far.
Try this:
: '{' (~('{' | '}' | '\\') | '\\' ('{' | '}') | NestedBraces)* '}'
In the inner loop, you match:
~('{' | '}' | '\\') // anything other than a '{', '}' and '\'
| // OR
'\\' ('{' | '}') // an escaped '{' or '}'
| // OR
NestedBraces // recursive call: '{' ... '}'
And if you want to strip the un-escaped braces from the tokens in one go, do something like this:
: Helper {setText($text.replaceAll("\\\\(.)|[{}]", "$1"));}
fragment Helper
: '{' (~('{' | '}' | '\\') | '\\' ('{' | '}') | Helper)* '}'
which will create a token with inner text "abc xyz foo{ hello world"
for the input "{abc {xyz foo\{ {hello world}}}"
. Note that you need a helper rule: you can't do the replacement and also the recursive call in one rule.