I'm trying to build grid with build in column filtering (using sencha gxt), here is my code:
public Grid<Stock> createGrid() {
// Columns definition
ColumnConfig<Stock, String> nameCol = new ColumnConfig<Stock, String>(props.name(), 100, "Company");
// Column model definition and creation
List<ColumnConfig<Stock, ?>> cl = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig<Stock, ?>>();
ColumnModel<Stock> cm = new ColumnModel<Stock>(cl);
// Data populating
ListStore<Stock> store = new ListStore<Stock>(props.key());
// Grid creation with data
final Grid<Stock> grid = new Grid<Stock>(store, cm);
// Filters definition
StoreFilterField<Stock> filter = new StoreFilterField<Stock>() {
protected boolean doSelect(Store<Stock> store, Stock parent, Stock item, String filter) {
// Window.alert(String.valueOf("a"));
String name = item.getName();
name = name.toLowerCase();
if (name.startsWith(filter.toLowerCase())) {
return true;
return false;
cm.addHeaderGroup(0, 0, new HeaderGroupConfig(filter, 1, 1));
return grid;
My problem is: after I run this code, I cannot write anything to filter input, I'm using test data and classes (Stock.java and StockProperties.java) from this example: http://sencha.com/examples-dev/#ExamplePlace:filtergrid I try to put allert in doSelect method to check if this function was called, but it wasn't. Any idea will be welcome. Thanks.
I solve this problem according to this paper http://www.sencha.com/forum/archive/index.php/ … but I replace disableTextSelection(false)
with setAllowTextSelection(true);