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Seeking SCORM-compliant E-learning Content Generation Tool w/ HTML output

First off, I've been given a very tight deadline (read: measured in minutes) to research this, so my apologies if I am missing any obvious answers (or if I even completely misunderstand what I am asking).

I am seeking an Learning Management System with two requirements:

1) It is compliant with SCORM standards, and generates the necessary meta-data

2) Its output in HTML/JS, and NOT Flash, to be compatible with iOS devices.

So far, I have found Deltalearn, and a related thread here, titled Looking for an elearning tool, which recommends Moodle. I am looking into both, but need an answer, likely faster than I will be able to read/teach myself the features of these two offerings.

Thanks in advance for any input.



  • Okay, so I found a thread on SO titled, SCORM Authoring Tools that contained a recommendation called HunterStone's Thesis that seems to fit the requirements above. I think this can be marked as "case closed".