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get current Material UI breakpoint name

I'm searching a MUI function " MaterialUIGiveMeCurrentBreakPointName" that allows me to performe an action in a component like this:

const currentBreakPointName = MaterialUIGiveMeCurrentBreakPointName()

if(currentBreakPointName === 'myCustomBreakPointName') {
  // do stuff 

Could you help me out please ?


  • Currently there is no such function available which will return you the current breakpoint name but you can achieve this using useMediaQuery hook.
    Refer :
    Working codesandbox :

    const theme = useTheme();
    const greaterThanMid = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.up("md"));
    const smallToMid = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.between("sm", "md"));
    const lessThanSmall = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.down("sm"));
    if (greaterThanMid) {
      console.log("Greater than mid");
    } else if (smallToMid) {
      console.log("Between small to mid");
    } else if (lessThanSmall) {
      console.log("Less than small");

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