I have just started using SSE and I am confused how to get the maximum integer value (max
) of a __m128i
. For instance:
__m128i t = _mm_setr_ps(0,1,2,3);
// max(t) = 3;
Searching around led me to MAXPS
instruction but I can't seem to find how to use that with "xmmintrin.h"
Also, is there any documentation for "xmmintrin.h"
that you would recommend, rather than looking into the header file itself?
If you find yourself needing to do horizontal operations on vectors, especially if it's inside an inner loop, then it's usually a sign that you are approaching your SIMD implementation in the wrong way. SIMD likes to operate element-wise on vectors - "vertically" if you like, not horizontally.
As for documentation, there is a very useful reference on intel.com which contains all the opcodes and intrinsics for everything from MMX through the various flavours of SSE all the way up to AVX and AVX-512.