TNumberbox and TSpinEdit return values defined as type single. I want to use these values to do simple integer arithmetic, but I can't cast them successfully to the more generalized integer type, and Delphi gives me compile-time errors if I try to just use them as integers. This code, for example, fails with
"E2010 Incompatible types: 'Int64' and 'Extended'":
sMinutes: single;
T: TDatetime;
sMinutes :=Numberbox1.value;
T :=incminute(Now,sMinutes);
All I want to do here is have the user give me a number of minutes and then increment a datetime value accordingly. Nothing I've tried enables me to use that single in this way.
What am I missing??
Just truncate the value before using it:
Minutes: Integer;
T: TDateTime;
Minutes := Trunc(NumberBox1.Value);
T := IncMinute(Now, Minutes);
Depending on your particular needs, you may need to use Round
instead. It will correctly round to the nearest integer value, making sure that 1.999999999999 correctly becomes integer 2; Trunc
would result in 1 instead. (Thanks to Heartware for this reminder.)
Minutes: Integer;
T: TDateTime;
Minutes := Round(NumberBox1.Value);
T := IncMinute(Now, Minutes);