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Creating a Database using DBExpress in Delphi?

I need to create a Firebird Database programmatically using DBExpress. I have done this for SQL server, by first connecting to Master, then passing in the script for Create to a query, but with Firebird I have a little chicken and egg problem.


  • I got a good tip from a collegue that created some code for the Freepascal project. It doesn't use DB express, but according to him it is the only way to create a database with code. This code is based on the InterBase manual, and uses a call from the gdslib / fbclient dll:

    procedure TIBConnection.CreateDB;
    var ASQLDatabaseHandle,
        ASQLTransactionHandle : pointer;
        CreateSQL : String;
        pagesize : String;
      {$IfDef LinkDynamically}
      ASQLDatabaseHandle := nil;
      ASQLTransactionHandle := nil;
      CreateSQL := 'CREATE DATABASE ';
      if HostName <> '' then
        CreateSQL := CreateSQL + ''''+ HostName+':'+DatabaseName + ''''
        CreateSQL := CreateSQL + '''' + DatabaseName + '''';
      if UserName <> '' then
        CreateSQL := CreateSQL + ' USER ''' + Username + '''';
      if Password <> '' then
        CreateSQL := CreateSQL + ' PASSWORD ''' + Password + '''';
      pagesize := params.Values['PAGE_SIZE'];
      if pagesize <> '' then
        CreateSQL := CreateSQL + ' PAGE_SIZE '+pagesize;
      if isc_dsql_execute_immediate(@FStatus[0],@ASQLDatabaseHandle,@ASQLTransactionHandle,length(CreateSQL),@CreateSQL[1],Dialect,nil) <> 0 then
        CheckError('CreateDB', FStatus);
      if isc_detach_database(@FStatus[0], @ASQLDatabaseHandle) <> 0 then
        CheckError('CreateDB', FStatus);
      {$IfDef LinkDynamically}

    The trick is the isc_dsql_execute_immediate function. I hope this code helps you. Here are the links to the Freepascal source files where this code comes from:

    Unit containing CreateDB function

    Unit containing API call isc_dsql_execute_immediate