I'm new with jqTree and I'd like to reload the tree after ajax call. I have something like this :
var url = 'lab.json';
if ($(this).val() === 'RAD') {
url = 'rad.json';
function(jsonData) {
$("#treedata").tree({data: jsonData});
The first call is working but for the next ones the tree doesn't update with the new data.
Any idea how to update the tree after initialization ?
I found a solution but it's not perfect. If someone has a better solution let me know :)
$("#treebox").empty().append('<div id="treedata"></div>');
data: jsonData
I have to remove the generated content by jqTree using $.empty() and then initialize jqTree each time I want to update the tree with new data.
You can use the function 'loadData' to load new data in the tree. This function is supported in the latest version of jqTree (0.6).
For example:
// Assuming the tree exists
var new_data = [
label: 'node1',
children: [
{ label: 'child1' },
{ label: 'child2' }
label: 'node2',
children: [
{ label: 'child3' }
$('#tree1').tree('loadData', new_data);
Also see http://mbraak.github.com/jqTree/#functions-loadData