How to instantiate a derived class object, whose base class ctor is private?
Since the derived class ctor implicitly invokes the base class ctor(which is private), the compiler gives error.
Consider this example code below:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class base
cout << "base: ctor()\n";
class derived: public base
cout << "derived: ctor()\n";
int main()
derived d;
This code gives the compilation error:
accessing_private_ctor_in_base_class.cpp: In constructor
derived::derived()': accessing_private_ctor_in_base_class.cpp:9: error:
base::base()' is private accessing_private_ctor_in_base_class.cpp:18: error: within this context
How can i modify the code to remove the compilation error?
There are two ways:
or protected
of the base class. see demo