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Does userControl1.Dispose() take care of all its disposable objects?

i have made a userControl library .. and it contains NetworkStream, StreamReader, FileStream
So do i have to Dispose them all when the form that has this userControl closes ??

I mean There's no such Form1_FormClosing(object sender,FormClosingEventArgs e) in a userControl so when should i dispose those streams?
Does userControl1.Dispose() take care of that?

thanks in advance :)


  • UserControl.Dispose() disposes the components in it's Controls collection, but nothing more.

    You can handle the UserControl.Disposed event, or you can properly implement the Dispose pattern.

    For C# user controls, protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) is auto-created in UserControl1.Designer.cs. You can amend it to:

    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing)
            if (components != null)
            // Dispose your streams here