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TinyURL JavaScript API triggers an error

I use the TinyURL API in one of my web applications. Until now, it worked fine but, today, an error occurs and I don't know why: I didn't modify my script since September!

Below is the code I use:

function getTinyURL(longURL, success)
    var API = '',
        URL = API + encodeURIComponent(longURL) + '&callback=?';
    $.getJSON(URL, function(data){
        success && success(data);

var url='http://[...]'; //A very long URL            
getTinyURL(url, function(data)
        $('#link').text('An error occurs...');
        console.log('ERROR: '+data.error);

As I already said, even if this code worked well before, today an error occurs. In the console log, this message is displayed: The API call urlfetch.Fetch() required more quota than is available.

I don't understand this message: does it mean that the error comes from TinyURL? Should I change my code or should I wait for TinyURL does something against this error?

Thanks in advance!


  • The magic behind the json-appspot service is not particularly sophisticated.

    If you have ability to add logic to the server side, you can make and run something similar for yourself. You'd need to install a "shim" or gateway script that connects to, and returns a formatted JSON string.

    Some examples:

    They do the same thing. With either one you could just drop it on your server, then invoke it from within your pages like this, in jQuery:

    var stub = "",
        urlToEncode = "",
        url = stub + encodeURIComponent(urlToEncode);
    $.getJSON(url, function(data) { alert('response: ' + data.tiny);} );