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How to use forward slashes instead of a hash (#) in history.js?

I am using a history.js plugin and would like to know how I can implement a / type of URL. Right now my code is:

//Check if url hash value exists (for bookmark)

//highlight the selected link
$('a[href=' + document.location.hash + ']').addClass('selected');

//Seearch for link with REL set to ajax
$('a[rel=ajax]').click(function () {

    //grab the full url
    var hash = this.href;

    //remove the # value
    hash = hash.replace(/^.*#/, '');

    //for back button

    //clear the selected class and add the class class to the selected link

    //hide the content and show the progress bar

    //run the ajax

    //cancel the anchor tag behaviour
    return false;

function pageload(hash) {
    //if hash value exists, run the ajax
    if (hash) getPage();    

function getPage() {

//generate the parameter for the php script
var data = 'page=' + document.location.hash.replace(/^.*#/, '');
    url: "route.php",  
    type: "GET",        
    data: data,     
    cache: false,
    success: function (html) {  

        //hide the progress bar

        //add the content retrieved from ajax and put it in the #content div

        //display the body with fadeIn transition

The URL is always http://localhost/test/index.php#page1 but I would like to know how to make it http://localhost/test/page1.

I don't want it to show the index.php part either, I need it just like the URL above.


  • This can only be done using HTML5 and history.pushState().

    That API allows you to change the displayed URL (so long as it's in the same domain) without triggering a page load. You can then use AJAX to change the displayed content instead.

    To see it in action, browse any source tree on - they use the technique to "slide in" the source code as you browse the files.